About the Journal
Interdisciplinary Social Studies is an international scientific journal, double-blind peer-reviewed, open acces journal published quarterly by International Journal Labs collaboration with Universitas Mercu Buana.
Interdisciplinary Social Studies provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be empirically examined. This journal publishes research articles covering social sciences, ranging from education, management, cultural studies, law, social health, psychology, and geography, to economics belonging to the social context.
The journal has become a member of Crossref (Prefix: 10.55324) with Online ISSN 2808-5051 and Print ISSN 2808-0467.
Name: Interdisciplinary Social Studies
P-ISSN: 2808-0467
E-ISSN: 2808-5051
DOI: 10.55324
Period: Quarterly
Indexing and Abstracting: EBSCO, Dimensions, Google Scholar, Crossref, ROAD, Garuda, Scilit, BASE
Publisher: International Journal Labs
Society/Institution: Universitas Mercubuana
Founded: 2021
Current Issue
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2025): Regular Issue: January-March 2025