P-ISSN: 2808-0467
E-ISSN: 2808-5051
Homepage: https://iss.internationaljournallabs.com/index.php/iss
148 This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Tino Asprilla Anthon
, R Widodo Triputro, Suharyanto
Rural Society Development Academy of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
October 2021
November 2021
Background: The management of Sri Gethuk Waterfall which is managed
by the Tourism Village Business Unit under the Village-Owned Enterprise
"Sejahtera" Bleberan Village is quite successful because it has an impact on
the number of visitors which increased significantly from 2011-2015
impacting on Village Original Income (PADesa) of Bleberan tourism village.
Aim: This study aims to unveil the management of Sri Gethuk Waterfall
tourism object.
Method: This type of research is qualitative descriptive, which means
exposure of situations and events, describing in detail and in depth the
conditions that actually occur according to what is in the field which in this
case is about the management activities of Village-Owned Enterprise
Sejahtera in Bleberan Village
Findings: Management of Sri Gethuk Waterfall Tourism Object by Village-
Owned Enterprise Sejahtera starting from the bottom up planning stage of
development . Village-Owned Enterprise should continue to encourage
changes in terms of planning, especially the management of business units
also needs good management. Push management system through one
door. This will make access easier and speed up the service.
Management, Sri Gethuk waterfall attractions, tourism object
Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has sufficient potential to become an international
tourist destination, both for its natural beauty and cultural diversity. The tourism sector that is
experiencing development in Indonesia is nature tourism which has a tourist attraction for
domestic as well as foreign tourists. Management of tourism activities requires spatial
allocation arrangements that can ensure sustainable development in order to achieve
community welfare. This is in accordance with the basic principles in the management of
national tourism which aims to increase natural resources and artificial resources in an efficient,
effective and efficient manner to improve the quality of human resources, realize the protection
of spatial functions and prevent and overcome negative impacts on the environment and
security. Therefore, the government should provide proper strategies to manage the national
tourism objects.
The tourist village provides freedom for the local community to manage it according to
the potential of the village. This tourism village program is formed by the government that
directly involves the local community. Very rapid development is evident in the increasing
number of visitors from year to year. Referring to data from the Ministry of Tourism in 2014,
in Indonesia there were 978 tourist villages in 2012, and in 2013 there were 980 tourist villages
(Ministry of Tourism, 2014).
Village-Owned Enterprise is a pillar of economic activity in village which functions as a
social and commercial institution. It is a legal entity formed based on the prevailing laws and
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regulations, and in accordance with the agreement that was built in the Neighborhoods
community. Village-Owned Enterprise can also be an alternative source of Village original
income while improving public services, one of which is by managing the tourism potential in
Neighborhoods. The presence of Village-Owned Enterprise is a forum for developing the assets
and potential of the Village owned by the Village Head through business units that are managed
for the welfare of the community.
Gunungkidul as part of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, is a place among regencies that
are tourist destinations. The number of visits increased sharply, the increase was partly
obtained from visits to tourist village attractions, including to the Bleberan Village (Kedaulatan
Rakyat, January 14, 2015: 3).
Table 1. Number of Visits and Retribution for Destination Revenue
Gunungkidul 2010 - 2014
Income Retribution
Source: Gunungkidul Culture & Tourism Office via Kedaulatan Rakyat (2015)
Bleberan tourist village is one of the tourist villages in Yogyakarta, which is managed by
Village-Owned Enterprise, located about 45 KM among regencies that are tourist destinations.
The number of visits increased sharply, the increase was partly obtained from the center of
Yogyakarta, in fact it has extraordinary natural potential, namely Sri Gethuk Waterfall and
Rancang Kencana Cave. Sri Gethuk waterfall is very unique because it emerges from the
sidelines of the arid karst cliffs. The clear water and the contours of the rocks, Sri Gethuk is
called the mini Green Canyon "Ala" Gunungkidul by its visitors (Noor, 2013). In fact, Sri
Gethuk waterfall is included in the top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in Indonesia (Sindo, 2016).
Tourism village as a new paradigm in tourism must uphold the values of local wisdom that
has grown in the community by prioritizing the principle of mutual cooperation in its
management. This local wisdom tourism can become a new trend in choosing a means of
refreshing and learning. The tourists can unwind and at the same time take the positive values
that have been attached to and take place in the local community.
The management of Sri Gethuk Waterfall in Bleberan Village is managed by the Tourism
Village Business Unit under the Village Owned Enterprise (Village-Owned Enterprise)
"Prosperous" Bleberan Village. The management of this tourist village is quite successful
because it has an impact on the number of visitors which has significantly increased since the
Bleberan tourist village was launched in 2010. The number of visitors from 2011-2015 has an
impact on the Village Original Income (PADesa) of the Bleberan tourist village.
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Table 2. Number of Visitors and Local Revenue to Bleberan Tourism Village
Regional Original Income to the Village (Rp. 2,000.00/person)
Source: Marsono in the book “Agro dan Desa wisata” 2019: 56
In its journey, the Village-Owned Enterprise "Sejahtera" Bleberan Village experienced an
increase in the management of tourist villages, both in terms of income, additional assets as
well as labor absorption and community economic income. In the success and success of the
management of the tourist village, it turns out that in practice, the management of the Sri
Gethuk tourist attraction still has several problems that occur. These problems are
infrastructure that has not been maximized, facilities are not adequate, in this case the
transportation facilities from Rancang Cave or the entrance gate/ticket to Sri Gethuk are still
narrow for bus drivers to pass, and this road endangers visitors who pass through it. The impact
that also occurs when visitors are crowded is congestion and traffic chaos. Accommodation
facilities or temporary residence/stay are few and far from tourist sites, other supporting
facilities such as changing rooms, bathrooms, toilets that are still lacking and seem dirty and
Lack of human resources/labor.
There are concerns about the loss of local culture, the increasing population and the arrival
of visitors who have different attitudes and cultures that can cause a mix of values in the
Bleberan Village. The impact of tourism on the values of the Bleberan Village is feared to
have an influence in diluting the local values of the Bleberan Village.
Management struggle, Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera institutionally in developing
the potential of tourism villages based on Village Regulations that have been set by the
Bleberan Village government. The Village Regulations that are set are then followed up with
regulations regarding the Village-Owned Enterprise Prosperous management managing the
business units that are developed. Bleberan tourist village generates billions of rupiah in
revenue from tourists who visit every year. This situation and condition makes the manager of
the tourism village business unit close to the management of the tourist area and the income
earned, thus causing the main problem of Village-Owned Enterprise institutionally in
managing the village potential. This issue provides a critique of the practice of Village-Owned
Enterprise which incidentally is one of the best Village-Owned Enterprise versions of the
Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Based on these problems, the authors
are interested in taking a study entitled Management of Sri Gethuk Waterfall by a Village
Owned Enterprise (A Case Study in Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera, Bleberan Village,
Kapanewon Playen, Gunungkidul Regency).
The research is meant to be qualitative descriptive, specifically case study, which means
exposure of situations and events, describing in detail and in depth the conditions that actually
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occur according to what is in the field which in this case is about the management activities of
Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera in Bleberan because this village is a successful icon in
Waterfall management managed by Village Owned Enterprises. This research was conducted
in Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera Bleberan, Kapanewon Playen, Gunungkidul
Regency. The object of research in the preparation of this thesis is the Management of the Sri
Gethuk Waterfall Tourism Object by the Village-Owned Enterprise "Sejahtera" in Bleberan
Village, from the planning, organizing, implementing, controlling/supervising stages to the
obstacles. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation.
Observation is a method of collecting data by observing and recording phenomena investigated
through sight and hearing in Village-Owned Enterprise management activities in Bleberan
Village. The general purpose of the interview is to obtain empirical statements regarding
personal circumstances, events, activities, organizations, feelings, motivations,
responses/perceptions, behavior, forms of involvement and so on. Informants are determined
through a purposive approach, namely choosing informants who are considered to know and
can be trusted to be solid data sources and know the problem in depth. Data analysis techniques
in qualitative research are to follow the interactive analysis model proposed by Miles and
Huberman in their book HB Sutopo which consists of 3 main components, namely data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions with verification. The interactive
analysis process begins with data collection. Then make data reduction where this is a process
of selection, focusing, simplification and abstraction of (Rough) data obtained from the field.
The next step is the presentation of the data in the form of a systematic story accompanied by
a matrix as a supporter of the data presentation. Data reduction is done by making a summary
of the data records obtained from the field and then simplifying the data so as to facilitate the
presentation of the data. At the end of data collection, the researcher began to make efforts to
draw conclusions and verify them based on all the things contained in the reduction and
presentation of the data.
Sri Gethuk Tourism Object Management Planning
The management of tourism units through the organization is strongly influenced by the
management system in ensuring the activities and cycles of the organization in achieving
business goals. Management becomes a rail to carry out the ideals of the organization. The
urgency of this management makes the organization cannot be separated from it, including the
management of tourism objects. The planning process in managing the Sri Gethuk Waterfall
tourism unit starts from the bottom. The process of making management documents through
the stages of deliberation from the bottom starts from the internal unit. In the context of internal
deliberation, the manager focuses on internal issues. This means that they are trying to explore
the potential and shortcomings that exist in the tourist attraction that is their business. This
includes the evaluation process during the program and the implementation of tourism object
activities. From that process, we find inputs and also initiations for the tourism unit itself.
These processes then form the basis for the preparation of plans for the following year.
Village-Owned Enterprise as an institution under it becomes a forum for processing all
proposals and input from the tourism unit. This kind of approach is known as bottom up. This
is in line with the mandate of the Law on Villages. That the potential management process must
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start from the bottom. This is inseparable from the role and existence of the community and
all the potential that exists. Those who know and understand more about their needs. This
bottom-up paradigm is adopted by Village-Owned Enterprise in managing the Tourism Unit.
This means that Village-Owned Enterprise as the highest institution or business institution at
the village level must facilitate and protect the existence of businesses below it. Village-Owned
Enterprise cannot use glasses from top to bottom. This is inseparable from the practices that
are often misguided. So that the initiation process from below is very relevant and urgent in
determining the direction of tourism object business management.
In addition to a bottom-up approach to managing tourism units. Potential mapping is also
very important to create quality planning documents. The acknowledgment from the
informants indicated that there was a mapping before the planning document was established.
This mapping process is directed at identifying the existence of village potential. Lack of
village potential and opportunities to manage tourism potential. Including economic potential
and community mobility. The mapping process becomes very urgent when it is associated with
the existence of three elements, namely the quantity of people, the potential they have and the
tourism supporting infrastructure to be managed.
Supporting points are a serious concern in the context of mapping potential. This means
that the existence of tourist objects is closely related to infrastructure, access, mobilization and
human quality. How not mapping in terms of quantity, for example, needs to be presented
because basically mobility and high tourist activity greatly affect the success of managing a
tourist attraction. There have been many prominent examples in the villages of Java. Of
course, this existence is very different from areas with relatively fewer human quantities.
Second, mapping in terms of local potential. This means that it is necessary to check the
existence of local potential. Here the local potential must have a selling value. This means that
local potential must have unique values and advantages with other tourism. Sri Gethuk
certainly has advantages compared to other natural attractions. In the midst of the hustle and
bustle of a city that has very little water, there is a potential for waterfalls that inspire visitors.
Obviously this provides a special attraction for many people.
The third is infrastructure mapping. This means that the management of tourism objects
must pay attention to the supporting infrastructure. Sri Gethuk itself has a fairly difficult access.
Therefore, the mapping of infrastructure becomes very important. It aims to facilitate access
and provide a sense of security and comfort to tourists. How not, a safe and comfortable tour
will increase visiting power with personal guarantees and natural beauty. So the existence of
infrastructure is very urgent to be mapped, starting from access to The village to access to
tourist objects. The reason is that the number of visitors who come not only uses two-wheeled
vehicles but uses 4 wheels and 6 wheels. Land and infrastructure must of course be supportive
and adequate in order to create Sapta Pesona.
In the context of management, Pokdarwis tourism objects autonomously in planning
development programs. This practice cannot be separated from the role of the existing
Pokdarwis (Abisono, Rini, & Sakro, 2020). Participation and involvement in empowering
tourism objects places Pokdarwis with great authority to determine the direction of planning
and managing tourism objects. On a larger scale of development, Pokdarwis collaborates with
the village government. Collaboration is directed to obtain mutual agreement. Collaboration
is directed at obtaining agreements related to funding. Often in the implementation of the
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budget program it becomes an obstacle. Apart from that, internally the Pokdarwis budget is
still able to cover the programs that have been set. The results of the planning from the bottom
then become a reference for the formulation of the program above.
After completing the internal planning in the tourist units, then proceed to the internal
Village-Owned Enterprise. Meetings or deliberations are brought back together with Village-
Owned Enterprise along with representatives from tourism units and other units. Here will be
below regarding the ideas that have been determined by the unit's internal meeting. These
proposals are then presented and discussed again to determine which ones should be included
and which should not. Proposed programs and ideas for the next year are prioritized. This
means that before the proposal is accepted and determined, it is necessary to synchronize it
with the vision and mission of the Head of the Village Headquarters and the vision and mission
of the Village-Owned Enterprise itself so there is a defined program priority term. This means
that the proposal is flexible which emphasizes the internal deliberation process of Village-
Owned Enterprise with the management unit.
It is in this context that tourism managers cannot do their own thing. However, there are
norms and rules that must be followed. The management mechanism must go through the
planning stage with a bottom-up-based mechanism. All proposals come from below but must
then be communicated and agreed upon in the Village-Owned Enterprise internal deliberation
before heading to the village deliberation. Through this kind of planning mechanism, of course,
it will not only produce quality documents. This mechanism also provides accountability in the
Village-Owned Enterprise management process. Here the role and function of Village-Owned
Enterprise of course follow the rules and principles of good governance because there is the
involvement of the village government, local communities and the private sector.
Before becoming a jointly determined document, the program proposal from the unit is
first discussed in the Village-Owned Enterprise internal meeting. After completing the internal
discussion, then the proposal in the form of a program planned by the tourism object business
unit is discussed and proposed again through village meetings.
Village meetings are the highest planning institution in the management of tourism units
by Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera. Every year, the Village-Owned Enterprise, together
with the management unit and the village government, hold a joint deliberation at least once to
agree on and report the LPJ for the management of Village-Owned Enterprise to the public.
In village deliberations there are several things that become the focus of discussion. First,
related to the accountability report of Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera to the village
government, community institutions and society in general. Secondly, reviewing the concepts
and program proposals in each business unit and also the interests of each dukuhan, especially
with regard to the needs of each village who wish to propose the development of the existing
potential in their village. Third, the discussion in the deliberation room leads to matters that
are under the authority of Village-Owned Enterprise Prosperous. This means that every
discussion cannot be separated from the Village-Owned Enterprise framework. One of them is
to discuss the existence of the Village Regulation that oversees Village-Owned Enterprise or
the Village-Owned Enterprise Business Unit itself because this legal guide is very important
so that the business unit runs comfortably.
Village meetings are tasked with finding solutions, especially with regard to the village
which has not been accommodated. They are looking for ways to get other Dukuh rights even
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though they are not the same. The word distributing justice shows the partiality of Village-
Owned Enterprise to the community outside the manager of the Tourism Object. So, to
accommodate this, it was agreed through the village meetings regarding the interests of other
dukuhan such as providing funds for local potential development or funds for community
activities. This is so that what is a common concern can be managed properly. As Indardi
admitted, they were given assistance to increase the local potential of the hamlet. This process
is the result of reflection on the implementation of previous programs that have not been
In village deliberations, suggestions and interests from tourism units are also encouraged.
Recognition of the need for “synergy” with Village-Owned Enterprise indicates that the
proposed program must conform to the vision and mission of Village-Owned Enterprise. The
will to unite the program towards Village-Owned Enterprise emphasizes the existence of
Village-Owned Enterprise is very important. Therefore, tourism object managers cannot be
separated from Village-Owned Enterprise. The reason is that the legality of the manager is
given by Village-Owned Enterprise. So in the context of planning and program proposals, the
field reality must match the vision and mission of the Village-Owned Enterprise itself.
Organizing Sri Gethuk Waterfall Attractions
To maintain harmonization and obtain management in accordance with the planned
objectives. Supervisory institutions play an important role in bringing together institutions,
members and administrators. The supervisory agency is in accordance with its main duties and
functions to maintain harmonization. The supervisory agency is independent consisting of
elements of the Village Headquarters, BPD, LPMD, Community Leaders and the community
Coordination mechanism through two directions. First, the supervisor is obliged to hold a
general meeting to discuss the performance of Village-Owned Enterprise at least once a year.
The general meeting functions to discuss, among others: Monitoring and evaluation of the
performance of operational implementers. Monitoring and evaluation of income and expenses
carried out by Village-Owned Enterprise. The results of monitoring and evaluation of the
performance of operational implementers are reported to advisors with a ransom of the BPD
and Village-Owned Enterprise management (Perdes No. 7 of 2016 concerning Village-Owned
Second, the coordination is situational. Situational coordination tries to accommodate
related issues that are unexpected. During the implementation, it cannot be separated from
external and internal influences which require coordination outside the established norms. In
carrying out coordination related to violations or needs, there is no standard requirement.
Rather, it is determined as an obligation carried out by the supervisory agency. At different
levels, norms are applied situationally without having to refer to the rules of the game. Here
coordination from the bottom also works. Situational” denotes many dimensions. It could be
to address the issue of negligence in carrying out their duties and functions, treating things
beyond normal reasoning or unexpected natural phenomena. It is precisely in this area that
situational coordination becomes very relevant. The push into the internal unit becomes very
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At a certain level, it is sufficient for coordination to be carried out within an internal unit
or higher organization. Placing the problem according to the level will certainly produce the
right solution. The roots of democracy and deliberation are certainly born from such a womb.
Communication from below, especially in an informal space, will generate participation and a
sense of acceptance of issues that are much more open. When the closest steps are no longer
able to answer field problems, the final decision is a coordination mechanism at a high level or
village level.
Kamaroesid (2016) mentions the principle of organization as a guide in compiling an
organizational structure to facilitate organizational activities. Herry's opinion requires that
there are clear norms in controlling organizational activities. As a guiding principle, it applies
to directing and encouraging managers to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.
The formulation of the objectives of the Village-Owned Enterprise organization is to encourage
the economic sector to be more dominant. The reason is the establishment of Village-Owned
Enterprise aims to drive the local economy of the village. As a business institution, Village-
Owned Enterprise is directed to empower the potential of the Village by means of collaboration
and also internal encouragement of the Village. However, in the formulation of objectives.
The establishment of Village-Owned Enterprise encourages the creation of a better economic
climate, collaboration with third parties, creation of new business and economic space. In the
end, it moves the empowerment dimension and the independent dimension of the village
community in managing and managing Village-Owned Enterprise institutions. It is in this area
that the urgency of establishing Village-Owned Enterprise as the economic, social and political
sovereignty of the Village. In order to realize a unified system of government, Village-Owned
Enterprise Prosper uses a very lean bureaucratic model according to needs, meaning that the
organizational structure adapts to the needs of managers. Based on the Bleberan Village Head
Regulation No. 01 of 2007 concerning Village-Owned Enterprises as replaced by Bleberan
Village Head Regulation No. 7 of 2016 concerning Village-Owned Enterprises, article 11
stipulates the management organization:
a. The Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera management organization is separate from the
The village government organization
b. The management organization of Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera shall at least
consist of; advisors, administrators and supervisors.
c. The management of Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera is regulated through Article
13 consisting of; Chairman, secretary of 2 people, treasurer 1 person, and the Head of
the Business Unit adjusts the number of existing business units.
To fill the management of Village-Owned Enterprise Sejahtera still refers to the
Regulation of the Head of Bleberan Village Number 01 of 2007 concerning Village-Owned
Enterprises, especially Article 6 by including elements of the village government and elements
of the community. In this context, the composition of the Village-Owned Enterprise
management consists of 5 supervisors and a supervisor who is the head of the Village Head.
Furthermore, the supervisor, chairperson, secretary and treasurer are selected by the formator
team, the results of which are included in the official report (AD/ART and Village Regulation
1/2007 concerning Prosperous Village BUM).
There are 3 main parts in the Village-Owned Enterprise structure including; Advisor,
Operational Executor and Supervisor (Suryanto, 2018). In the context of Village-Owned
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Enterprise Bleberan, the organizational structure follows the design of Suryanto (2018) which
is strengthened by Village Government Law Number 4 of 2015. In this regulation, the
requirements, obligations, rights and authorities of Village-Owned Enterprise managers are
stipulated. The following is the organizational structure of the Village BUM Manager.
Figure 1. Structure of Sri Gethuk Waterfall Tourism Awareness Group
Source: Tourism Awareness Group Document 2021
In managing the Bleberan Village tourism unit, Sri Gethuk Waterfall refers to the AD/ART
of the tourist village that the Bleberan tourism village administrator is determined by the
Village BUM through a screening. The management consists of the Chairperson, Secretary I
and Secretary II, Treasurer, Sections and Field Coordinators and members. The recruitment of
employees is fully carried out by the management of the Bleberan Tourism Village by opening
job vacancies and for applicants a test is carried out according to the vacancies to be filled. In
carrying out the wheels of the organization, tourism village management has the main tasks
and functions that have been clearly regulated. The division of workload has been determined
to avoid overlapping and facilitate the coordination process within an organization.
Based on the main tasks and functions of the tourism unit manager, an important point can
be drawn that the tourism unit management system is entirely in the tourism unit manager. In
this context, Village-Owned Enterprise acts as a facilitator for the management unit. Parallel
to the results of research by Abisono et al. (2019) About the Commons in Citizenship
Perspective: A Study of Conflict Management of Nature Tourism in the Bleberan Village of
Gunungkidul. The tourism management base follows community lines. The strengthening of
the community base places the dominant management system in the hands of the community.
This kind of management system actually gives birth to exclusivity towards the community
outside the status of group members. The ability of Pokdarwis is not only tested through the
making of the planning process. Pokdarwis autonomy has reached beyond the village because
there are actors who have access out. The strengths and abilities of these actors are what place
Village-Owned Enterprise and the village government as facilitators for managing tourism
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The relationship between Village-Owned Enterprise and Pokdarwis in the context of
management must take into account historical lines. The context of time is a calculation that
must be held. This indicates that there is a process of absence of the village in encouraging the
empowerment of local potential. The involvements that are too slow are the important
calculations for managers. An important role as an initiator and initiator and maintenance of
resources is certainly the capital of today's managers. For the contribution and active
participation of the community as managers, it is necessary to have negotiation processes in
deliberation. Then, it became a problem so that the relationship between the Village-Owned
Enterprise manager and the tourism unit was still in the form of a partnership.
Agreements on the management system are managed through village deliberations. This
means that the determination and authority of the management unit is not unilaterally agreed
upon. The deliberation room also presents elements of stakeholders such as LPMD, Youth
Organizations, PKK, BPD community groups and others. The inclusion of elements of the
community is clear to clarify as well as to obtain an understanding in the form of mutual
legitimacy. In this way, the manager of the tourism unit has a strong mandate. This includes
ensuring the identity of the manager and members of the tourism unit.
Furthermore, the agreements start from the process of aligning views, aligning interests,
aligning missions and others. It was the determination between the manager, the village
government and the community that became a strong impetus. The village government must
facilitate the existence of institutions and their communities in the context of empowerment
and realizing prosperity through Pokdarwis.
Legalization and granting authority to management institutions are certainly inseparable
from the potential of institutions and communities in maximizing local potential. Like
Pokdarwis Sri Gethuk Waterfall tourist village. Pokdarwis who grow inclusively clearly have
the experience and ability to empower the local potential of the village. The existence of
Pokdarwis is also very urgent to support the village in improving development, empowerment
and community development. However, it must be admitted from the management side that
Pokdarwis has obtained a dominant portion in the progress and development of the tourism
unit itself. Pokdarwis' expertise in managing and developing business units is what makes
them quite autonomous.
Implementation of Sri Gethuk Waterfall Tourism Object
Basically, the implementation of tourism objects cannot be separated from the applicable
norms and rules. The reason is, the existence of Village-Owned Enterprise and the manager of
the tourism unit is in a state based on law. Therefore, in carrying out the management of tourist
objects, legal legality is needed as a guide for managers such as Village Regulations, AD/ART
Village-Owned Enterprise and AD/ART Tourism Villages. In addition, the implementation of
other programs to support tourism is then not limited to the use of open land around tourist
sites. Several other things, such as training for youth, awareness training on the importance of
integrated tourism management with The village are one of the important programs that the
The village government is trying to realize through Village-Owned Enterprise. The form of
support is not only then carried out through various training programs but also comes to capital
for people who want to open businesses around tourist areas. This effort is certainly based on
the spirit of advancing the community, making it independent and managing the village assets
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as well as possible, which is always flooded with visitors every year. The economic growth of
the community is very much expected for mutual progress.
The Sri Gethuk Waterfall tourism village business unit has a good system to facilitate all
of these activities so that there is no cross-clutter in the tourism process when visitors arrive.
Various efforts have been made to activate the system which is managed directly by the
employees managing the tourist sites. The governance of this system is certainly a good
intermediary for the sustainability of tourist sites.
Management is attempted not through one door technically, but in the field, management
such as tickets for visitor arrivals are indeed opened by various alternatives at several doors.
This is of course with the aim that there will be more employment opportunities for youth
organizations and other The village communities. Technically, access to entry was agreed
upon with various good considerations, such as levies and other fees which were deemed
Various approaches have been facilitated by the village government in various programs,
including the turnover of operating capital which is then used for the development of tourist
attraction areas. Development can be physical and non-physical. This development is of
course with the aim that tourism in Sri Gethuk Waterfall can continue to be the main tourist
attraction for both local and foreign communities.
In carrying out good organizational governance there needs to be a standard of norms. This
means that the organization that is run must be based on the principles of empowering local
resources. Without paying attention to and taking into account the existence of supporting
dimensions, it is very difficult to accelerate the development of tourism objects. These
dimensions are clearly an infrastructure that must provide benefits to the village community by
considering environmental sustainability and sustainability for the next generation.
First, related to the use of local community facilities and infrastructure. Existences such as
community land, the village’s treasury land, land owned by the forestry service and land owned
by Sultan Gron became the initial capital. Managers try to use the land that belongs to them,
especially areas that are outside the ownership of SG and the Forestry Service. The manager
utilizes the Menggoran I and II areas as a place for tourism activities to take place. In the
context of their managers, they try to use road infrastructure, human resources, supplies of
wood materials to increase tourist attractions such as information boards and others.
In particular, the manager offers and takes advantage of the existence of supporting
infrastructure for tourism activities such as: asphalt road construction, parking lot construction,
pavilion construction, secretarial construction, gate construction, kiosk construction, making
direction marks, entrance guard post, providing visitor tickets, providing parking tickets,
provision, boats, homestays, culinary outlets, buoys and provision of toilets. The ability to
provide access to tourism plays an important role in encouraging community empowerment.
Sufficient carrying capacity directly encourages changes in people's work. It is proven to this
day that tourism is able to provide employment to the community, especially Padukuhan
Menggoran 1 and Menggoran 2. There are 83 local employees, 53 stall traders, 6 culinary
groups, 6 mobile Sule and 30 homestays (Widiantara, 2017).
For people who participate in selling by opening kiosks in tourist areas, they also then give
a certain retribution in accordance with the agreement that has been discussed in the village
meeting. This is not intended to burden the sellers who are also local people of the Bleberan
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Village, but to support the government's work in developing tourist areas. Rules regarding the
collection of retribution for sellers have been specifically regulated in Village Regulation
Number 7 of 2016 concerning Village-Owned Enterprise and AD/ART Tourism Villages. This
rule is intended to bind the community with the responsibilities that are included in each of
them. The form of responsibility is not only a matter of maintenance but also a matter of how
to then contribute in terms of development and participate in paying attention to the progress
of the tourist village as a source of income for the local community. The problem was then
handed over to the forms of associations that existed before the tourist attraction. One that is
in the context of tourism is the stands community which will take care of all forms of
retribution. This then makes it easier for managers because there are people who then
voluntarily support the government's work in matters that they can handle on their own.
The benefits of all the finances from tourism results in addition to the development of
tourist sites, the finances are also used to increase human resources in the village. The use of
this finance is of course a mutual agreement. Increasing human capacity at tourist sites is
important for Pak Hartono because the percentage of success is not determined by the number
of visitors but also from the intelligence of the people.
Without going through detailed calculations, the existence of tourist objects is able to
provide residents with the dynamics of growth in the employment sector and the economy of
the community. The concept of a tourist village that is brought is certainly based on the
principle of mutual benefit both to the community, community institutions, the village
government and also the local government. From the community side, the existence of a tourist
village object provides an impetus for community empowerment. Not only in terms of
community productivity but also from the community's ability to seize opportunities in tourist
villages. It is visible through the visuals with the stretching of the community MSMEs that are
increasingly lively.
However, the management of the tourism unit through Village-Owned Enterprise is
inseparable from the potential for social jealousy and the violation itself. These potentials are
present both internally and externally to the existence of resources. The potential for social
jealousy is unavoidable. The conflict management mechanism must refer to local actors such
as the village government, the supervisory body and the internal unit itself. The existence of
the village government and Village-Owned Enterprise administrators is very important, each
of which has the authority to manage conflict. The village government has the authority
because it is in the territory of the village, as the front line must be able to answer social jealousy
that occurs both internally and externally. Meanwhile, the supervisory agency is tasked with
photographing the phenomena that occur.
When a conflict occurs, it is important to take a personal approach because basically the
people of the Bleberan Village still live side by side. For the village in Java in general, the
sense of togetherness and mutual help is still very strong. This makes emotional closeness very
strong. It is this social bond that forms the basis of a very important personal approach,
especially to maintain harmonization between residents and managers.
At the job level and the right to access conflicts are managed using an affirmative way.
Conflict is managed by utilizing local community products because basically the tourism unit
employees are only able to accommodate from the Menggoran I and II hamlets. The quantity
was almost 100 people. There are still many people who are not involved. Therefore, to protect
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community conflicts, those who do not have the opportunity can deposit processed products at
the Sri Gethuk kiosk. In addition, it is also managed by providing funds to each duke in the
relevant year based on the results of the village deliberations. This kind of accommodation
cannot be separated from the envy of unequal access. So in order to share the results of the
business unit manager with Village-Owned Enterprise through the village meeting, there needs
to be a form of giving money to each hamlet in the Bleberan Village. The amount of funds as
conveyed by the informant was not stated. However, to earn money, you must follow a
predetermined mechanism. Each dukuhan has the right to submit a proposal according to the
needs of the dukuhan and the community. Reporting on these funds is sufficient to include
photos of activities and the results of other activities.
Some important points for managing conflict. First, presenting the village government and
the Village BUM Manager itself. In this context, the ripples of conflict and potential conflicts
that occur always prioritize elements of the village government and managers. Second, conflict
management mechanisms follow the ladder. Conflicts that occur always use the simple way
first. Here the role and function of the social and inner ties of the village community operate
well. The reason is that people's habits and emotional closeness form habits. This is what
continues to guide managers in solving problems that arise in the village. These methods are
carried out through a personal approach, oral narration, and intensive communication. These
methods try to create awareness to the parties concerned.
Third, conflict is managed by affirming community rights. At this level, limited access is
managed by providing opportunities to sell on Sri Gethuk. People outside the management can
entrust their products to Sri Gethuk's stalls.
Supervision of Sri Gethuk Waterfall Attractions
In designing the organization, of course, it cannot be separated from the supervisory
agency as control over the activities of the organization. In the management of Village-Owned
Enterprise as mandated by the Law on Villages, its formation must be based on village
deliberations. This will certainly seeks to bring about democratization and accountability of
managers later. This includes the establishment of an organizational supervisory body.
Supervisors are not just complementary institutions. But institutions that create the common
good in the framework of the governance of an organization. As Mancur (1971) said,
organizing requires material and thought. This often makes rational actors take advantage of
opportunities to ride freely in order to gain profits. Hence, to anticipate this logic, it is necessary
to have a supervisory body that is outside the Village BUM Manager and the Tourism Unit.
According to Bleberan Village Regulation No. 1 of 2014 concerning Village-Owned
Enterprise Article 10 related to the management of Village-Owned Enterprise includes 7
supervisors. This article is then explained through Article 11 the Supervisory Board has the
task of, among others, holding a coordination meeting at least once every 3 months to discuss
matters related to the performance of Village-Owned Enterprise, supervising the establishment
of policies and business development of Village-Owned Enterprise, carrying out inspections
every 3 months on employee performance and Village-Owned Enterprise administrators. This
article was later confirmed by Bleberan Village Regulation 7 of 2016 concerning Village-
Owned Enterprises Article 17 including:
a. The supervisors as referred to in Article 11 paragraph (2) letter c are a maximum of 5
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people and represent the interests of elements of the Village Headquarters, BPD,
LPMD, women and community leaders.
b. Supervisors consist of: Chairman, vice chairman concurrently member, secretary
concurrently member; and members.
c. Supervisors have the obligation to hold a general meeting to discuss the performance
of Village-Owned Enterprise at least once a year.
d. The general meeting as referred to in paragraph 3 will discuss: monitoring and
evaluating the performance of operational implementation; monitoring and
evaluation of income and expenditure carried out by Village-Owned Enterprise; the
results of monitoring and evaluation of the performance of operational implementers
are reported to advisors with copies of the BPD and Village-Owned Enterprise
Monitoring and control activities become very meaningful when the supervisory agency
is present in the middle of the organization. Supervisors will try to coordinate and conduct
internal meetings to ensure the work of the management unit and the Village-Owned
Enterprise. Regular meeting activities are not without reason, meaning that supervisory
activities become more flexible. Coordination and internal meetings are very situational with
the conditions that occurred during the year.
The coordination meeting becomes a medium for exploring potential violations and also
confirming violations. As a media meeting becomes an important room for
supervisors. Because basically the settlement of disputes must be through deliberation. In the
realm of literature, this method is known as communitarian democracy (Eko et al., 2014) or
deliberative democracy in the style of Jurgen Habermas (2009). Through this media, the
classification of deviations or interruptions will be obtained as a reference in ensuring the
quality of public information. This includes ensuring that the work of the supervisory agency
runs in accordance with applicable norms. These violations then receive personal attention in
the form of a warning to the person concerned. If you repeat a similar action, a written warning
is required. The reprimand is intended for guidance and as a legality of agreement by both
The supervisory body has always been at the forefront to ensure information and record
information so that it has the potential to become valid data. Such as the act of "clarification"
certainly provides an understanding of the quality of truth from the party who did it by meeting
the person concerned directly. This mechanism is very important, considering that information
from various communities is often invalid. Especially in today's era with the luxury of
technology and content that teaches people not to be honest. So, the quality of information
through filtering is very important.
After obtaining valid information. The next step is to bring the case to the internal unit
level and so on. The deliberation room becomes a meeting to produce the common good. Not
closing, but providing certainty of information and further consideration. In the internal
deliberation, it is determined whether the violation is serious or light. Through the room was
then given a phunisman. This mechanism clearly shows the supervisory body as a means of
control and monitoring to be very important and meaningful. Because the independence of the
supervisor must be maintained in resolving violations that occur, especially to save the
sustainability and progress of the Village-Owned Enterprise itself.
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Obstacles and Challenges of Sri Gethuk Waterfall Attractions
In addition to the various advances that have been made to generate additional income in
improving the village community's economy through activities in Sri Gethuk Waterfall
tourism, many challenges are often faced. The most basic challenge as expressed by Pak
Hartono is the challenge of the legal umbrella. The presence of the Village-Owned Enterprise
in 2012 did not have a significant impact. As time went on, all issues regarding licensing began
to be handled well by the community because they saw the opportunities that had been
presented before them.
The most basic challenge is the challenge of the legal umbrella. The presence of the
Village-Owned Enterprise in 2012 did not have a significant impact. As time went on, all issues
regarding licensing began to be