P-ISSN: 2808-0467
E-ISSN: 2808-5051
Homepage: https://iss.internationaljournallabs.com/index.php/iss
1127 This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Uchaimid Biridlo’i Robby*, Hardi Warsono, Ida Hayu Dwimawanti, Triyuniningsih
Doctor of Public Administration, Diponegoro University, Semarang, East Java, Indonesia
Received: June
Revised: June
Approved: June
Background: The implementation of electronic-based government (Online),
in order to improve the quality of effective and efficient public services
through e-Government which aims to support good governance.
Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of e-
Government implementation through the creation of an online Company
Domicile Certificate (SKDP) at UP PTSP Lubang Buaya Village. In addition,
this study is intended to find out various obstacles or obstacles and the efforts
made by UP PTSP Lubang Buaya Village in overcoming these obstacles or
Method: In this study, the researcher used George Edward III's theory of
Policy Implementation which consists of 4 variables, namely
communication, resources, dispotition or attitude, and bureaucratic structure
with qualitative methods. Data collection techniques carried out in the form
of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis using formulas
from Miles and Huberman consists of data collection, data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion drawing.
Findings: From the results of the study, the implementation of the
application of e-Government in making a Company Domicile Certificate
(SKDP) has not gone well. Obstacles found include lack of socialization, the
ability of public servant officers, lack of public knowledge level and frequent
site errors, as well as efforts made to overcome these obstacles, namely by
more frequent socialization about online licensing, training for employees,
and coordination with the center regarding sites that often error. So that
people can feel good and satisfying service and switch to an online-based
service system.
e-government, SKDP online, East Jakarta
Public services spearhead the interaction between society and the government, because
basically services are inseparable from human life (Damayanti et al., 2019; Sirimasa et al.,
2018). Service to the community can be categorized as effective if the community gets ease of
service with short, fast, precise and satisfactory procedures (Akay et al., 2021; Yuningsih,
2016). Service inessence is not a stand-alone thing, but involves the service provider and the
community as the recipient of the service, so that in providing services, it must be truly able to
provide satisfaction and meet the needs and desires of the community (Maryam, 2017; Prana,
Starting from the foregoing, the Governor of DKI Jakarta during the Joko Widodo period
(2012-2014) wanted to form a government service that make it easier for the community. Joko
Widodo currently expects that there is an agency that can serve permits/non-licensing that is
fast and not convoluted. Then the idea was implemented directly by the next Governor of DKI
Jakarta, which was named the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (BPTSP) (Dinas PM &
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PTSP Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2022). The One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (BPTSP) is a
regional apparatus work unit formed based on Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2013
concerning the implementation of One-Stop Integrated Services (Dinas PM & PTSP Provinsi
DKI Jakarta, 2022). Over time, on January 3, 2017, the One-Stop Integrated Service Agency
(BPTSP) changed its name to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Investment and One-Stop Integrated
Service Service (DPMPTSP). The name change refers to Regional Regulation Number 5 of
2016 concerning the Establishment and Composition of Regional Apparatus of DKI Jakarta
Province and Governor Regulation Number 281 of 2016 concerning the Organization and
Work Procedures of the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service (Peraturan
Gubernur No. 281 Tahun 2016 Organisasi Dan Tata Kerja DPMPTSP, 2016). As an effort to
optimize public services in providing services to the community, there are 318 DPMPTSP
service points spread throughout DKI Jakarta Province, 1 at the Provincial level, 5 at the City
level, 1 at the Regency level, 44 at the District level and 267 at the Kelurahan level.
The progress of sophisticated e-Government marked by the digital era is an opportunity as
well as a challenge for the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPMPTSP to continuously improve the
quality of services to the community through several service innovations. Innovation itself is a
new idea that was first applied to improve the process of a licensing and non-licensing service
provided by the government to meet needs and provide benefits to the community and
entrepreneurs. Its application is expected to be able to cut the time and costs incurred in
managing licensing. As a result, licensing services are more effective, easy and cheaper such
as a Certificate of Corporate Domicile (SKDP).
Good quality of public services can create a conducive, safe and comfortable business
climate, and is able to increase economic growth in accordance with the instructions of the
Head of DPMPTSP of DKI Jakarta Province Number 58 of 2017 on the obligation to
implement licensing and non-licensing services electronically (Online) (Instruksi Kepala
DPMPTSP No. 58 Tahun 2017 Tentang Kewajiban Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Perizinan Dan
Non Perizinan Secara Elektronik, 2017), and with the issuance of the Circular Letter of the
Head of DPMPTSP of DKI Jakarta Province Number 21/SE/2017 concerning the
implementation of PTSP electronically in accordance with the Governor's Regulation No. 47
of 2017 concerning PTSP guidelines, which include the process of making a Company
Domicile Certificate (SKDP) online and entering into force on August 1, 2017 (Surat Edaran
Kepala DPMPTSP No. 21/SE/2017 Tentang Penyelenggaraan PTSP Secara Elektronik, 2017).
With the issuance of the circular letter, it is hoped that it will begin to implement the process
of making SKDP online to business actors in the East Jakarta area. One of the sub-districts in
the East Jakarta region, namely The Lubang Buaya sub-district has recorded since the launch
of the online SKDP in 2017 to 2021, there have been more than 200 applications that have
been included in the process of making SKDP at UP PTSP Lubang Buaya Village. However,
in his record there are still some rejections in administrative terms, causing problems. There is
a public stigma that the services provided are not good, this is due to public knowledge of
changes in the service system that is all online. This ignorance resulted in the public having to
go back and forth in improving the online SKDP application so that they felt that it was still
difficult to take care of the licensing process. In fact, the purpose of this online service
innovation is of course in the hope of providing convenience and breeding services to the
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This research uses qualitative methods. The focus of research in this paper is on the
Application of e-Government in online Corporate Domicile Certificate (SKDP) Services as
well as supporting and inhibiting factors as an effort to improve good service quality. The
location in this study was carried out at the PTSP Implementation Unit, Lubang Buaya
Kecamatan Cipayung, East Jakarta Administrative City. Then the data collection techniques in
this study are observations, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this
study uses the interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman (2014) which explains that
in conducting qualitative analysis can be done together with the data collection process. The
concurrent process at the time before, is being carried out (Process) and after the data collection
process, it includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
Based on qualitative data research analysis techniques, data are analyzed during the study.
Data obtained by researchers through observation, interviews, and documentation is
triangulation of data, namely the process of checking and rechecking between data sources and
other resources. Here researchers carry out various research activities that are useful to find out
how the application of e-Government in making online SKDP at UP PTSP Lubang Buaya
Village and see the relationship between facts in the field regarding changes that have occurred
due to the implementation of SKDP Online.
Implementation of the SKDP Online Service Program
The implementation of this online SKDP has been implemented since August 1, 2017, in
accordance with the Regulation issued by the Head of DPMPTSP of DKI Jakarta Province
Number 58 of 2017 concerning the Obligation to Implement Licensing Services electronically
(Online) and letter of the Head of DPMPTSP No. 21/SE/2017 concerning the Implementation
of PTSP electronically, by observing 4 variables, in accordance with the theory of public policy
implementation according to the theory of public policy implementation according to George
Edward III as quoted by Suparno (2017), including:
1) Communication: The success of policy implementation is strongly influenced by
communication factors. With good communication, the implementation of a policy can
run as expected. It aims to provide an understanding to the public about a policy that
will be implemented in public services, so as to improve the quality of public services
and the implementation of policies runs smoothly;
2) Resources: Policy implementation will run effectively and efficiently if supporting
resources are available such as Human Resources (HR), internet networks and
infrastructure. The utilization of human resources is not only from how much is
available in an agency, but also competencies that support the implementation of this
Online SKDP, such as by providing training or training to employees. In this study, it
can be seen that the staff at UP PTSP Lubang Buaya Village have not received training
or training on the types of online licensing and non-licensing services. In addition, the
number of implementing staff is still very lacking, so the Head of UP PTSP must make
the most of employee performance productivity;
3) Disposition or Attitude: In this study, it can be seen that up PTSP Lubang Buaya Village
has carried out its duties and functions properly, because employees as implementers
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of a policy implementation, have performed their duties in accordance with the Circular
Letter of the Head of DPMPTSP No. 21/SE / 2017 concerning the Implementation of
PTSP electronically, the content of which explains that "as of August 1, 2017" all skdp
making processes have switched from a manual system to a manual system to online
system; and
4) Bureaucratic Structure: When a policy has been agreed and approved to be
implemented to the community, it is necessary to implement it regarding the framework
or guidelines in implementing it. For example, there is an SOP (Standard Operating
Procedure), so that policy implementation implementers have a common view in
implementing a rule/program. This is evidenced by the availability of a web/site:
pelayanan.jakarta.go.id owned by DPMPTSP, so that the public can access it freely in
carrying out the online licensing/non-licensing application process.
Supporting Factors and Obstacles to the Implementation of the Online SKDP Service
Supporting Factors for the Implementation of SKDP Online Service Policy
1) The Existence of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) are fundamental things that must exist in a service, because through
these SOPs an implementer of policy implementation can implement a policy. The
mechanism of the flow of licensing and non-licensing service procedures can be
accessed through the web/website internal.jakarta.go.id
2) Availability of a system for carrying out the licensing process: The availability of the
system is a forum for implementing the online SKDP policy. With the site provided by
the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Service, it is very useful and useful for
some busy people. Because with the system, the process of applying for permits / non-
permits can be done anywhere and anytime. After the application is entered, verification
will be carried out by the UP PTSP officer, so that it can be followed up, whether the
process is successful or rejected
3) There is certainty of licensing completion time: With the existence of an online system,
the certainty of the time for completing licensing and non-licensing applications
becomes clearer.
Factors Hindering the Implementation of SKDP Online Service Policy
1) Lack of Socialization;
2) The ability of public service officers;
3) Lack of level of knowledge of society; and
4) Sites often crash.
In making an online SKDP, it is a new thing for the community so that many people find it
difficult to take care of it. Therefore, it is necessary to increase socialization activities regarding
online-based licensing/non-licensing services must be carried out more often, so that the public
obtains information about the flow of procedures for making an online Company Domicile
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Certificate (SKDP). Socialization can be done in various ways, including through posters,
banners, notice boards, the internet (Social media) or directly to the public.
In terms of the ability of UP PTSP officers in Lubang Buaya Village regarding the
implementation of online SKDP is still lacking, because all UP PTSP staff of Lubang Buaya
Village have not received training or training for online-based licensing/non-licensing services,
especially the creation of an online Company Domicile Certificate. Sosulisanya conducted
training to officers of the PTSP Implementation Unit of Lubang Buaya Village periodically
regarding the types of licensing/non-licensing services.
The site provided by DPMPTSP is often disrupted, so it greatly hinders the service process
carried out by officers and the community. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and
maintenence the web/site network regularly so that there are no obstacles or technical
problems, thereby streamlining the online SKDP application process.
The facilities and infrastructure available at UP PTSP Lubang Buaya Village are good
enough, such as the availability of computers and internet networks to support the online
licensing process. It is just that it is necessary to provide a set of computer devices placed in
the front office, which serves to provide a brief learning about the online system to residents
who come directly to the UP PTSP.
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