E-Government: Online Company Domicile Certificate (SKDP) Service in East Jakarta
1131 Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 1(9), Jun 2022
Certificate (SKDP). Socialization can be done in various ways, including through posters,
banners, notice boards, the internet (Social media) or directly to the public.
In terms of the ability of UP PTSP officers in Lubang Buaya Village regarding the
implementation of online SKDP is still lacking, because all UP PTSP staff of Lubang Buaya
Village have not received training or training for online-based licensing/non-licensing services,
especially the creation of an online Company Domicile Certificate. Sosulisanya conducted
training to officers of the PTSP Implementation Unit of Lubang Buaya Village periodically
regarding the types of licensing/non-licensing services.
The site provided by DPMPTSP is often disrupted, so it greatly hinders the service process
carried out by officers and the community. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and
maintenence the web/site network regularly so that there are no obstacles or technical
problems, thereby streamlining the online SKDP application process.
The facilities and infrastructure available at UP PTSP Lubang Buaya Village are good
enough, such as the availability of computers and internet networks to support the online
licensing process. It is just that it is necessary to provide a set of computer devices placed in
the front office, which serves to provide a brief learning about the online system to residents
who come directly to the UP PTSP.
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