Breast Cancer Prevention through SADARI Intervention in Women of Reproductive Age in Loa Bakung
1722 Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 2(3), Dec 2022
the two breasts or one of them (Drukker et al., 2014). It is also a lump or single mass that is
often present in the outer upper quadrant area (Famá et al., 2016; Kojima & Tsunoda, 2011); it
is hard and irregular in shape and immobile (Fisher et al., 2018). Breast cancer occurs due to
damage to genes that regulate cell growth and differentiation so that cells grow and multiply
uncontrollably. Breast cancer is a cancer that generally affects women (Santrock, 2007).
According to Oladimeji et al. (2015), the importance of health promotion in increasing
awareness and willingness to do breast self-examination in an effort to early detect breast
cancer so as to improve preventive strategies in breast cancer patients. Based on Nurachma's
research at SMAN XI Sambutan Samarinda on the Benefits of Providing Health Education
about SADARI shows that there is a significant influence of health education about SADARI
on respondents' knowledge, with p value (0.0001) <α (0.05) and there is a significant influence
of health education about SADARI on respondents' attitudes with p value (0.002) <α (0.05)
(Nurachma & Hendriani, 2020). However, the aforementioned research have not discussed
further on how SADARI applies in rural society.
The purpose of this activity is to conduct health education through SADARI socialization
as the first step in preventing breast cancer and increasing participation from the community,
especially women of Reproductive age in carrying out early detection of breast cancer
The implementation of solutions to overcome partner problems consists of observation
steps to Loa Bakung Village, identification of partner problems, literature studies,
determination of solutions, coordination with the Loa Bakung Public Health Center regarding
the implementation of solutions, SADARI training, and evaluation of activities. The
implementation of SADARI training includes providing material and video screenings about
breast cancer and SADARI, SADARI simulations, as well as providing SADARI modules and
leaflets. The direct target is the Loa Bakung community, especially women of Reproductive
age who are in the work area of the Loa Bakung Public Health Center.
Picture 1. Locals at Loa Bakung Public Health Center
Evaluation Design
Evaluation During the Process and at the End of Educational Activities
Health by giving questions orally as follows:
1) Re-explain the notion of breast cancer;
2) Describe the cause of breast cancer;